The Garden NEW!
Led by ideas of inclusion, growth mindset, and diversity, Petra’s choreographic work examines “How can the art I make contribute to positive change in the world (Not just naming what’s wrong but enacting what is better.). Combining the work of an artivist with a choreographer, she is bringing dance, music and audience together to explore the kinds of communities we want in a post-Pandemic world.
Concept, text & scores: Petra Zanki
Music: SoulCODE, Uncommon Lee, VJay
Choreography: Petra Zanki together with dancers
Performing: Charlotte Aucella, Angelica Barbosa, Malcholm Bonilla, Tor Breen, SoulCODE, Allison Costa, Eleonore Dumas, Danielle Goodman, Jorgie Ingram, Frances- Rose Koper Heintzelman, Uncommon Lee, Anna Hershinov, Courtney Holbrooks, Maddy Joss, Anno Kachina, Shujung Kim, J.A Kirk, Kierra Nguyen, Mackenzie Nye, Toni Owens, Mik Phillips, Nicholas Rodrigues, Sara Thoreson, Vjay, Petra Zanki.
Producers: John Robinson, Ben Goosman
The Garden dance performance is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).
Contributors: Brooklyn Arts Council
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Brooklyn, 2024.