Paces .
Duration: 40’
In Paces all elements of the performance undergo a gradual modulation. What looks like a repetition on first sight, is a minimal alteration of the previous. As the fog deliquesces, the room slightly drifts, the sound indiscernibly overspreads itself and the body paces itself into a constant oscillation. It is a continuous exchange of equal values, that gently draws the audience into a space of perpetual movement.
Review Instability of the visible by Iva Nerina Sibila
Review Experimental dance from Croatia by Alfred Ziltener
Review Intervention by zeitraumexit
Concept, choreography: Petra Zanki & Britta Wirthmüller /performance &video: Petra Zanki
Music: PHILL NIBLOCK- Hurdy Hurry from “Touch Works, for Hurdy Gurdy and Voice”, 1999/Graphic design: Damir Gamulin/Photo credits:Damir Žižić/Production: Zagreb Dance Center HIPP-TSP, Banana Gerila 2011.
Paces has been developed and presented in the frame of the artists-in-residency program of the Zagreb Dance Center; on the symposium “Politics of Spectatorship” organized by Center for Drama Art in Zagreb in 2011. and as a part of the programme of 29TH DANCE WEEK FESTIVAL 2012. in Rijeka and Split.
So far it has been presented at: 30. Dance Week Festival, Split and Rijeka, Croatia(2012), CULTURSCAPES festival/Roxy, Basel Switzerland (2013), Capitol Hill Arts Walk/New Tomorrow Gallery, Seattle (2015), ProletarYacht Club Gallery, Seattle (2017), Good Children Gallery, New Orleans (2017), Yellowfish Durational Festival, Hedreen Gallery, Seattle (2018.)