21 June 2018
Petra won James Ray Residency Award
There is more dance on the horizon! Super happy to announce that Petra Zanki won JRRP emerging artist award at SIDF 2019 More: https://seattleidf.org/james-ray-residency/
1 April 2018
Petra selected as one of the Base Resident 2018 Artists
Read the PRESS RELEASE ANNOUNCING 2018 ARTISTS: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56eb6c83c2ea518028b427ec/t/5a5454040d929799252c8c7d/1515475974743/Base_2018_Residencies_Press_Release.pdf
May-July 2017
Petra Zanki selected as the BASE inaugural Base Subsidy Program Artist
Base is very happy to announce the Petra was selected among first participants in the Subsidy Program. She will receive up to 40 hours of rehearsal space at the subsidized rate.
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